Weldable Buccal Tubes ROTH Convertible

Weldable Buccal Tubes ROTH Convertible

Roth Molar Values

Maxillary Mandibular
Torque Offset EOT Torque Offset Lip Bumper
-10o 8o .045'' -25o 5o .036''


1st Molar Triple Convertible
.018'' x .025'' auxiliary slot (0o torque) Occlusal headgear tube .045''

Slot Quadrant O/No
.022'' UR 351-9082012
UL 351-9082013

Double Convertible Occlusal headgear tube .045''

Slot Quadrant O/No
.022'' UR 351-9082007
UL 351-9082008

Double Convertible Gingival headgear tube .045''

Slot Quadrant O/No
.022'' UR 351-9082007
UL 351-9082008

Single Convertible

Slot Quadrant O/No
.022'' UR 351-9082001
UL 351-9082002


Double Convertible .036'' lip bumper (weldable/bondable)

Slot Quadrant O/No
.022'' LR 003-203
LL 003-204

Double Convertible .018'' x .025'' Auxiliary Slot (weldable/bondable)

Slot Quadrant O/No
.022'' LR 003-207
LL 003-208

Single Convertible

Slot Quadrant O/No
.022'' LR 351-9082014
LL 351-9082015

Weldable /Bondable Buccal Tubes ROTH Non-Convertible

Maxillary 1st/2nd Molar Single Non-convertible

Slot Quadrant O/No
.022'' UR 351-718UR
UL 351-718UL

Mandibular 1st/2nd Molar Single Non-convertible

Slot Quadrant O/No
.022'' LR 351-725LR
LL 351-725LL


All buccal tubes listed are .022'' x .028'' slot.
.018'' x .025'' slot buccal tubes are available upon request.


* The use of the name Roth does not imply endorsement by Dr Roth.

** Ortho-Care’s version of the MBT prescription in the following section is not claimed to be a duplication, and does not in any way imply endorsement by Drs McLaughlin, Bennett, and Trevisi. MBTTM is a trademark of the 3M Company.