PITTS21® Self Ligating Brackets and Accessories

Pitts21 Collection

Pitts21 Collection

Pitts 21 Introduction Video

SAP bracket placement with Pitts21 - Dr. Wassim Bouzid

This video describes how to effectively bond brackets ( OC Orthodontics Pitts21) on a patient according to the SAP ( Smile Arch Protection) bracket placement developed by Dr Tom Pitts

Pitts21 Video

Pitts 21 - The Move To Engagement In Anterior Teeth With Passive Self-Ligation

Pitts 21 - The Move To Engagement In Anterior Teeth With Passive Self-Ligation

The first of a series showing the scientific basis for the superior performance of the unique Pitts21 square wire progressive slot system developed by Dr. Tom Pitts.

To download "The Move to Engagement in Anterior Teeth with Passive Self-Ligation" - click here.