Product Description
o Non-Flammable
o Low Global Warming Potential
o Non-Ozone Depleting
Dr Jack Sheridan describes the benefits of Artic spray in his book, when fabricating EssixTM Retainers: Non-flammable Arctic Spray chills to -52oC, and evaporates, leaving no residue. It is ideal for chilling thermal ni-ti wires, or for instant cooling of Essix appliances, described as essential by Dr Jack Sheridan, the originator of Essix appliances:''Immediately spray the still hot plastic with a compressed spray refrigerant for a few seconds. This accelerates the final set, producing a significant
improvement in plastic adaptation. The faster the plastic can be brought to room temperature, the better the plastic-to-cast adaptation will be because, if it is allowed to cool slowly, the plastic tends to distort and will affect the plastic adaptation to the cast. Also, this instant cooling reduces the possibility of lingual lift-off'' (the gingivolingual edge of plastic pulling away from the cast when the plastic slowly cools to room temperature).
Product Modification
Please note that in line with new environmental legislation this product is now formulated with a new HFO-1234ze propellant which has a fraction of the global warming potential ( GWP ) of the original HFC-134a freeze spray
The new HFO-1234ze has a GWP of 6 compared to a GWP of 1300 of HFC-134a
This new formulation is non-flammable and is mandatory for all manufacturers of HFC based products in Europe
Please note the new size spray can of 250ml and new list pricing
Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience this unavoidable product modification may cause
Sold individually.
** Hazardous item will incur higher postage charges - please enquire for further details **